Monday, April 1, 2013


Digital SLR camera (also called digital SLR or DSLR) are digital cameras that combine parts of a single lens reflex (SLR) cameras and digital backs, replacing photographic film. The reflex design scheme is a major difference between a DSLR and other digital cameras.
The drawing system reflex light passes through a lens and a single mirror is used to reflect a portion of light through the viewfinder - hence the term single lens reflex. The image you see through the viewfinder is the image captured by the camera sensor.
Design DSLR:As SLR DSLR interchangeable lens usually use (1) with an exclusive support. A mirror mechanical lockers (2) connected to the low (angle 45 ° to the right) to direct light from the lens on a mat focusing screen (5) through a condenser lens (6) and a pentaprism / Penta mirror (7) to an eyepiece optical viewfinder (8). Most [citation needed] of the entry level DSLR Penta mirror uses pentaprism instead of the traditional. Pentaprism design consists mainly of plastics [citation needed] and is easier and cheaper to produce -. However, the image in the viewfinder is usually darker [citation needed]
Focus can be manual or automatic, activated by pressing the shutter button halfway or a dedicated AF button. Making an image, mirrored in the arrow upward focal plane shutter (3) opens and the image is projected and captured on the image sensor (4), measures the shutter closes, return mirror 45 degrees, and equipped with a drive mechanism re-tensions the shutter for the next exposure.
Compared with the new concept of mirror less interchangeable lens cameras, the mirror system / prism is the difference function provides direct and clear image with optical sensors auto-focus and exposure separately. All material in digital cameras are electronic devices such as amplifiers, analog to digital converter, an image processor and other (micro) processors, digital image store data performance and / or operate an electronic display.

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