Tuesday, April 23, 2013

world shop

World shops, stores and malls just world are specialty shops that offer and promote fair trade. World Stores usually organizes various educational activities for fair trade, and to play an active role in fair trade and other north-south political campaigns. link

Stores around the world are often non-profit and run by NGO networks on a local basis.

Although the movement has emerged in Europe and the vast majority of stores in the world still rely on the World Shops continent can also be found today in North America, Australia, Israel and New Zealand.
Oxfam shop on Drury Lane in Covent Garden, London.

At the beginning of the movement, generally attributed to the First World stores in Europe, founded in 1959 by Oxfam. Sales of the Oxfam shop Chinese bric-a-brac that had been a source of Chinese refugees fleeing the communist revolution in Hong Kong. However, some sources attribute the first fair trade shop that had opened in the U.S. in 1958, the sale of Puerto Rican fashion.

The shops were not known stores in the world right now, though. Other formulas imported from various third world, such as sugar cane since 1960 and products now underway. These products have been sold in stores "third world" or "business in developing countries" (the actual name varies from country to country). The most active organizations operating in the UK and the Netherlands. The term "world shops" arose in 1990. In 1994, the World Shops are organized under the auspices NEW!, The Fair Trade Network of European World Shops. S, which is used for fair trade products, has its roots in the movement Worldshops 1980.

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