Sunday, June 9, 2013

Nivea Lip Butter Review

I recently got my hands on a much-raved-about set of Nivea Lip Butters and just had to share them with you! They are fairly new, so you won’t see them stocked in every drugstore just yet, but they’ve been in the U.K. for a while and that’s where all the hype built up. Click on to see whether or not I thought they lived up to par!


  • Original
  • Caramel Cream
  • Vanilla & Macadamia
  • Raspberry Rosé (my favorite)
I love the scent of these. I like that they’re subtly tinted to differentiate between the “flavors”, but they don’t alter your natural lip color, so the lipstick you swipe on next won’t be affected


Packaging is simple, sleek, and stays shut when closed with a satisfying snap. I normally don’t like pots for sanitary reasons, but I found that I use these mostly before bed, when I’ve already washed my hands and face anyway so the point is moot. If you’re squeamish about pots, I don’t know what to tell you. I do like that the outside looks different depending on the flavor – because I can easily grab my favorite even when I’m bleary-eyed at night before I go to bed.


This stuff really works. I wake up in the morning and my lips are baby smooth and flake-free. That’s saying a lot from someone who’s chronically dehydrated and sporting chapped lips 80% of the time! It does list petrolatum (basically vaseline jelly) in the ingredient, which is an effective moisturizer, however I know some people prefer to stay away from petrol-based products. Ultimately, petrolatum is just an ingredient, and was discovered incidentally on an oil rig. It’s just a wax, but it boosts wound-healing properties (due to creating a barrier over the injury protecting from the environment), as well as prevents moisture loss, which is important in lip protection.


Hard to beat the $3.99 price tag. It is truly on par with my favorite $60 lip balm that also sits on my nightstand!

The Verdict

Get your hands on these. Especially raspberry rosé (it’s my favorite)!

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