Tuesday, April 2, 2013

fashion for men

Early Western travelers, whether in Persia, Turkey, India and China is often pointed out the absence of changes in fashion there, and observers from these other cultures comment on the unseemly pace of Western ways which many felt suggested an instability and lack of order in Western culture. The Japanese Shogun secretary boasted (not completely accurately) to a Spanish visitor in 1609 that Japanese clothing had not changed in over a thousand years. [link] However in Ming China, for example, there is clear evidence of fast fashion in Chinese clothing. Changes in costume often took place at times of economic or social change (such as in ancient Rome and the medieval Caliphate), but then a long period without major changes followed. This occurred in Moorish Spain from the 8th century, when the famous musician Ziryab introduced sophisticated clothing styles based on seasonal fashion and every day from his native Baghdad and his own inspiration to Córdoba in Al-Andalus. Similar changes in fashion occurred in the Middle East from the 11th century, after the arrival of the Turks, who introduced clothing styles from Central Asia and the Far East.
The beginning of the habit in Europe constantly changing and styles of clothes faster can be quite reliable in the mid 14's, which historians including James Laver and Fernand Braudel date the start of Western fashion in clothing. The most dramatic expression was a sudden sharp reduction tightening of the male over the head of the calf to barely covering the buttocks, sometimes accompanied with stuffing on the chest to look bigger. This has created the western male characteristic outline of a plan adapted worn over leggings or trousers.
The pace of change accelerated considerably in the following century, women and men's fashion, especially in the design and decoration of the hair, became equally complex and changing. Art historians can use fashion in dating images with increasing confidence and precision, often within five years in the case of images of the 15th century. Initially changes in fashion led to a fragmentation of what had previously been very similar styles dress in the upper layers in Europe and the development of specific national styles. These were very different until a counter-movement in the 17th to 18th centuries imposed similar styles once again, mostly from France in the ancien regime. While the rich usually led the way led the growing prosperity of modern Europe to the bourgeoisie and even peasants following trends at a distance sometimes uncomfortably close for the elites, when a factor Braudel as an important factor in the evolution of fashion.
Albrecht Dürer drawing opposes a civilian well put Nuremberg (left) with her counterpart from Venice. Pints ​​top of the Venetian lady gives him appear longer.
Ten 16th century portraits of German or Italian gentlemen may show ten entirely different hats, and at this period national differences were at their most pronounced, as Albrecht Dürer recorded in his actual or composite contrast of Nuremberg and methods Venice in the late 15th 's (right). The "Spanish style" of the end of the century began a return to synchronicity among upper-class Europeans, and after a struggle in the mid 17th century, French-style firm took over the leadership, one conducted in the 18th century.
Though colors and patterns of textiles changed from year to year, the cut of a gentleman's coat and the length of the vest or the cause of a woman's dress was cut changed more slowly. Men clothing largely from military models, and changes in a European male silhouette are galvanized in theaters of European war, where gentleman officers had opportunities to make notes of foreign styles: an example is the tie "Steinkerque" or tie.

1 comment:

  1. Nice. Fashion is very very important in daily life.
