Tuesday, June 4, 2013

10 Simple And Low Cost Beauty Tips for Hands

Who does not want to have soft, supple hands with glowing skin and healthy nails.
It is extremely important to take good care of your hands and the skin on them. The skin on the hands is subject to a lot of wear and tear since we work with them all day long.How to get beautiful hands

If you want to know how to get beautiful hands, here are a few beauty tips for hands.
These tips for beautiful hands can help you get soft, delicate hands without having to spend a huge amount on expensive manicures every month.
Infact, you are much more likely to get soft, supple and attractive hands if you take good DAILY care of them at home instead of going to a salon once every fortnight for an obscenely expensive manicure.

Tips For Beautiful Hands

1.  Keep the skin on your hands well hydrated all the time. Choose a mild soap for washing your hands. Most people make the mistake of buying a cheap soap bar off the shelf. No!

Don’t save a few bucks here. Buy a good moisturizing soap or a mild handwash so that it does not strip your hands of essential oils every time you wash them. Remember that you are going to wash your hands with soap at least 5-6 times daily. So, it is very important to choose your soap for the purpose very carefully.
2.  Apply some moisturizer on to your hands every time you wash them. This will help keep them supple and also prevent premature wrinkles. If tour skin is too dry, use Vaseline.
To make sure that you do not forget to apply a hand cream, keep some moisturizer or hand cream on your bath room shelf. So that you don’t forget to dab on some even when you are in a hurry.
Throw in a moisturizing cream in your handbag before you leave for work and while travelling as well.
tips for beautiful hands
3.  Whatever you apply to your hands before going to sleep stays on them for a very long time. So, make sure that you pamper your hands with a rich oil or Vaseline before you go to bed. Be very generous with the amount of cream or Vaseline you use at this hour.
It would be best to wear thin cotton gloves atop this to make sure that the cream or Vaseline does not get wiped off due to rubbing against your bedcover, sheets and pillow.
4.  Make sure to wear gloves when you are gardening, using strong detergents to take off stubborn stains from your favorite outfits, suing strong chemicals like bleach for clothes, polishing your silver ware at home, etc.
Such harsh and strong chemicals will keep the skin on your hands tender while also preventing brittle nails which are prone to easy breakage.
Home remedies for beautiful hands
5.  Scrub your hands using a good exfoliating agent at least once a week to take off the dead skin.  The dull, dead skin gets removed revealing fresh, soft skin underneath. You could try the various scrubs available in the market.
6.  Massage your hands for 2-3 minutes at least once every day. Besides acting as a beauty treatment, it serves to relax and rejuvenate you as well.  Just pour dollops of a rich hand cream on to your hand and rub it in using the other hand. This improves the blood circulation and helps keep the skin on your hands firm and wrinkle free.
7.  At least once a week, apply a few drops of glycerin to your hands overnight and see the difference in the morning after you wash it off!
8.  What you eat is very important. Include lots of proteins and vitamin B in your diet to get healthy, strong nails. Take vitamin E supplements for one week every month after the age of 35 to keep your hands supple and soft. No matter how healthily you eat, you must make sure to include supplement s for good skin to get a younger and firm looking skin.
Beauty tips for hands
9.  My grandma, who was a very simple lady, would squeeze half a lemon on to her hand and throw in half a spoon of coarse sugar on to it. And then rub her hands with lemon juice-sugar scrub till all the sugar dissolved. As a child, I would often be amused when I saw her doing that. Now, I do realize that this was HER way of getting rid of the dead skin and also acted as a natural skin softener. For many years now, I have also been using this wonderful homemade scrub for hands but only once a week, since lemon juice can be very drying.
10. Another simple beauty treatment that works wonders for hands is dipping them in a bowl containing some lukewarm water or half a cup of lukewarm milk for 10-15 minutes everyday.
These few tips for beautiful hands can help you get younger, softer skin and well maintained nails. Remember that you do not need to spend on expensive lotions and creams.
Natural oils like olive oil, almond oil, coconut oil, etc can give you great results at a fraction of the cost, and that too from the comfort of your home.
If you have any beauty tips for hands, do write in to us. That might help all those who want to know how to get beautiful hands!

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