Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Cheaper/ Budget iPhones Might Soon be a Reality

For all those for whom holding the Forbidden Fruit (Apple !! :P ) has till now been  a distant dream, this could be something to cheer about!
Apple Inc. is rumored to be coming up with a cheaper iPhone soon.
Called the Budget iPhone for now by diehard Apple lovers, it is aimed at targeting those who WANT to buy the Apple for all the amazing features but CAN’T because of the prize attached to it!
Analysts who had earlier predicted that the company’s shares might touch a record high of $1000 each have long since gone into hibernation with the share prices touching almost $400 each at the moment. There have been no press releases from the company too for the last one month which is rather unusual.
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Upcoming Budget iPhone- Features, Price, Release Date, Images

This is not the first time we are hearing about a cheaper iPhone on the cards- there have been such rumors in the past as well- as any Apple Geek would be able to tell you!
Lending plausibility to the rumors this time are the “LEAKED” pictures of the upcoming phone by Tactus, the case manufacturer for Apple Inc.
Budget iphone leaked images
The latest iPhones come with an aluminum and glass body which is said to cost a lost. The budget iPhone, therefore, might come with a polycarbonate/ plastic body.

It might also be lacking some of the features which are a regular part of all Apple phones.
Which is quite understandable! When you pay lesser, you might have to settle for lesser too!
It could be similar to the old fashioned body which we got to see in the iPhone 3G or 3GS handsets.
For now, Tactus is providing all the ‘inside news’ and pictures. And if they are to be believed indeed, cheaper iPhones might cost around $300 and hit the market in the second or third week of October.
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An aggressive marketing strategy together with lowered prices is all that Apple Inc. needs at the moment to deal with the tumbling stock prices at the moment.
A ‘modestly’ priced iPhone could be huge hit with the Asian markets, particularly China, India and Indonesia. The three together are more than 1 billion people!!
Can we see this as a smart move by Apple to lure all those mid range smartphone users, who are always looking to buy iPhones at discounted prices, into its fold?
It is still too early to say whether there is any truth in it.
Are you among the ones who are drooling to bite into the forbidden fruit already?

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