Tuesday, June 4, 2013

7 Weight Loss Equipments Which Are Not Worth Your Time and Money

Weight loss equipments are selling like proverbial hotcakes over Tele shopping networks, internet and in the market due to a mad race to shed weight for good, without having to work too hard or curbing the calorie intake.
Many such machines and gadgets ‘guarantee’ you inch loss and weight loss and have testimonials from ‘satisfied’ (:P) customers who often succeed in selling worthless stuff to the size-zero obsessed generation.

7 Useless Weight Loss Equipments

Here is a list of  seven most useless and worthless weight loss equipments:

1.  Sauna Belts

useless weight loss equipments sauna belts
You will get to see umpteen ads about sauna belts over the various TV channels an at numerous places all over the internet. Often pitched as “the easiest way to lose belly fat fast”, this is one piece of equipment which is totally useless.

Just keep in mind one thing- a sauna belt can induce sweating in the area over which it is worn, but not cause the fat in the area to melt miraculously as promised by the sellers.
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    2.  Twister Machines

Twister machine
Twisters again are highly overrated.
Seen at all gyms and popular among weight loss enthusiasts because of its supposed weight loss benefits, this piece of equipment is good only for mobility.
It does not and cannot cause you to shed weight, no matter how much you twist and turn.
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    3.  Cross Trainer/ Elliptical Trainer

Again a popular weight loss equipment, this is extremely useless.

Cross trainerI myself have spent almost 35-40 minutes daily on the elliptical trainer month after month at the gym, and wondered why I was not getting to see the results.
It was then that I read an article by Alwyn Cosgrove, a fat loss expert, where he had explained that slogging over the cross trainer only causes you to sweat excessively and steps up your heart rate but does not help lose weight because you do not do as much mechanical work on this piece of equipment as you do on your treadmill or cycle.
Suggested reading: 10 Ways to Build Muscle Fast

      4.  Ab Vibrating Machine

You seriously believe that all that jabbing and punching in your abs will cause you to shed those extra pounds hanging on to you?
If you are too keen to shed weight but also too lazy to exercise, try buying that and waste a few months doing this ridiculous ‘workout’.
ab vibrator belt
My niece who has always been ‘plump’ (she’d kill me if she knew I’d called her ‘obese‘) bought one which and neatly tucked it in one corner of her room where it has been gathering dust for almost a year, though she insists that she has used it a few times.
Even a simple brisk walk down the neighborhood park would have given her much better results.
An ab roller can never ever be a substitute for real crunches.
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   5.  The ThighMaster

The ThighMaster useless weight loss equipment
This is another of those useless weight loss equipments which was extremely popular and continues to be so among users.
Though the ThighMaster does help in strength training and also helps you burn some calories if supplemented by right aerobic exercises and a healthy diet, it can not help you lose weight by itself.
Useless, yet again.
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     6.  Shake Weights

Probably as bad as the sauna belt, if not worse.
You are supposed to shed weight as the vibrations help you burn off the fat while you chat to your friends over the phone or lie down in your bed and watch your favorite soap.
Worse still, they have been known to cause knee pain to many who used these weights for a long period of time.
Total B*** Sh**
A colossal waste of hard earned money.
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     7.   Ultra Light Dumbbells

Well, this is for dumb belle-s!
You have to be an idiot to believe they will help you shed weight.
Ultra light dumbbells
Dumbbells are heavy because it is the weight in them that gives you toned up arms and helps you shed a little weight as well.
Ultra light dumbbell are no substitute for normal ones. They will neither help you build muscles nor to lose weight.
If you want to lose weight, you have to work hard and sweat it out regularly over a period of time under the supervision of a trainer. And also eat sensibly while you are at it.
Short cuts and easy ways out will not help you shed weight.
These, according to us, are the 7 most useless weight loss equipments.
Can you name a few more and share your experiences with us?

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