Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Breast Milk Jewellery- New Trends in Parenting

At a time when parents have lesser time to spare for their kids due to work pressures at home and at the workplace, we get to hear of new fads every day. Whereby parents go out of the way to ‘prove’ to the child and the world that they are perhaps the most ‘doting’ parents in the world.
The latest such craze being “Breast milk jewellery”.
Now you might be wondering what on Earth that means?
Adorable baby
Some over enthusiastic moms have been known to preserve the pregnancy test strip, dried up remains of their babies’ umbilical cord, the first strand of baby’s hair or the first tooth to come off as mementos to mark the ‘growth’ of their children.

But breast milk jewellery?
That refers to the baby wearing processed and properly preserved breast milk of the mother in a locket to be worn around the neck, as beads or tucked up in a bracelet, etc.
While there are some who cant wait to discover the places where they can get some pieces of such jewellery for their kids, there are others who find the whole idea silly and ridiculous!
The sellers of such stuff are trying to touch the soft-spot in the new mothers’ hearts by making emotional appeals.
I have come across people across the internet who earn a living by coming up with ingenious ideas for new parents. All they do is suggest them some unusual tokens or keepsakes of the journey of their child in his first few years.
A few such sellers at the online selling store, Etsy.com came upon this idea when they were looking for something really brilliant and innovative! ( :O )
Though they are not willing to part with their secret formula for preserving milk, they did tell a news correspondent that the mother’s breast milk is dried up and then covered with resin or glaze. After that it is coated with plastic to make it last longer.
Though this came as a news for me earlier during the day today, sellers say they have been providing such jewellery since 2007!
Breast milk jewellery- bracelet and locket
“What a wonderful way to preserve the ‘liquid gold’ that we are only able to make for a certain period of time. This can be passed down for generations and what a fantastic gift to give to your child, the root of their survival,” reads the product description for the latter.
The prices of one such kit can vary from $15 to $125, depending upon the type of jewellery opted for by the clients.
To embellish it further, you can choose to personalize the jewelery you pick up with fancy fonts and scripts.
Breast milk jewelry patterns
Clients are asked to wait for 5-7 weeks for getting the piece of jewelry they order after they send samples of breast milk because the processing of milk takes nearly 25-28 days, depending upon the weather. After that, the resin coating takes another 2-3 days. Add to it the time taken for shipping you your stuff.


How many of you like the idea of breast milk jewellery?
Do you think we are crossing the limits of sanity by popularizing such fads?
Do you think such farces can ever foster feelings of love between mothers and kids or help strengthen the bonds?

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